Wednesday, June 20, 2007

In the car coming back from lunch, this guy is talking about how you should always check out the mom of the girl you'r'e hooking up with. I said, "well sure, if you want to marry her or something."
"Well.... that's the point of dating isn't it?"
"Is it? I was not aware of that. I guess I didn't get the memo."
"umm yeah. I mean, why else would you date someone?"
"Cause you like them? To have fun?"
"Uh maybe the kind of fun you're having" (slut).
"Would you really never go out with someone you couldn't potentially marry?"

That can't be true, right? For a normal, educated, otherwise progressive 22 year old to think that, to not be able to enjoy being with a girl he wouldn't want to marry? I'm so out of the loop.


Blogger anon said...

I wouldn't date someone I wouldnt marry...I'd just use them for sex. Thanks for the link:).

5:27 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I date people with no intention, or even thought of marriage... I just enjoy knowing a lot of people and having a kick ass time... but hey, if the girl that I'm, "hanging out with" wants to jump in the sack every now and again... Fuckin' A.

10:22 AM  

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