Saturday, June 30, 2007


Loved College Callgirl's post on The Rules; namely, that following them is effectively pretending to have a busy, interesting life.

When someone is blowing you off for a while you have these stages, I guess. First you obviously want them a little more, they're so elusive and you're still expecting to hear from them, and then you're so mad at them you can't wait to tell them what an asshole they are. And then you realize what a useless approach that would be and you say you're never going to talk to them again but in the back of your mind you worry that they will just have great timing and try to talk to you when youre bored/lonely/horny, and it'll all go to shit. And then they slip out of your mind and you forget they exist. Success.

Gotta love when someone randomly text messages you and you are so busy having a fantastic time to look at your phone, and you don't see a 10:30 text message til 3:30. (5 hour rule?) Why even respond? Just to let the know you're not ignoring them but you've been going strong all night? That's a little petty of me but it's satisfying.

I've just had such a fantastic week. Getting blazed out of my mind monday, watching my friends race through crowds with traffic cones over their heads and flipping face first over benches, wing night, busting out the speakers thursday, made a fantastic 5 course dinner last ight and crashed Courtny's party. Everyone I know either brings their own beer or throws in for a case or whatever. This girl spent $80 on alcohol and reminded us all week that we could drink for free in her room friday.

Last night was just too good. I love that even though everyone's apartment is a two minute walk, the boys sleep over with us most nights. Love these kids. A random text message just seemed so out of place. I look at my phone as we're all getting in bed and I was just confused. I thought, doesn't he know it's summer time? Why does he even have time to text me? Durring school I'd text message whole conversations, now that shit drives me crazy cause I get shit to do.

But seriously I think he just got an iPhone and texted everyone he knows.

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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

In the car coming back from lunch, this guy is talking about how you should always check out the mom of the girl you'r'e hooking up with. I said, "well sure, if you want to marry her or something."
"Well.... that's the point of dating isn't it?"
"Is it? I was not aware of that. I guess I didn't get the memo."
"umm yeah. I mean, why else would you date someone?"
"Cause you like them? To have fun?"
"Uh maybe the kind of fun you're having" (slut).
"Would you really never go out with someone you couldn't potentially marry?"

That can't be true, right? For a normal, educated, otherwise progressive 22 year old to think that, to not be able to enjoy being with a girl he wouldn't want to marry? I'm so out of the loop.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Running Amok

Season 2 of the Real World- Summerfield Suites has a lot less sex and drama and a lot more hotel party shenanagins. I like this return to innocence, the high-school style fun is refreshing.

I love that kids who were here from last year will allude to the shit we got into back then. Specifically, the shit I got into. Doing it for the story is a lot more rewarding when you get to tell the story. Some of my friends from last year made cryptic references to the gazebo in front of the hotel. "the lunch dates don't even compare to gazebo dates" 'I don't know if I would eat in the gazebo, it's been defiled." On a smoke walk last night two new friends asked me, 'what exaclty happened in the gazebo?" I giggled. Um. "You fucked someone in the gazebo didn't you? I knew it!"
"Well not exactly"
"You did something ridiculous."
"Well there were three of us..."
"Please tell me it was you, and two guys"
"No it was me and this girl from Smith and Sam but, whatever, it was more for the story. I didn't really mean to. It was like, fun I guess, until I see these flashes coming from the bushes, and I try to pull my clothes back on and I'm like, what the fuck is that shit!? And there is Sam's roommate Rhyan, with his fucking camera, having crawled under the bushes to watch. I was so mad, I could have killed him, I told him I hated him and I was gonna kill him in his sleep, and then he punched me in the back of the head. It was a big fucked up mess then, but it's funny now, right?"
"Um yeah. I hope you get just as ridiculous this year. I'll try to make that happen for you."

Somehow I think I'll be (relatively) good this year. After the first week here, I hooked up with "Baby Daddy" Kyle, even though I sort of knew he had a baby but I figured that was his problem. Fooled around that first Jager-soaked Thursday night, and then he invited himself over to my room the following week when my roommate was gone. He layed down on my bed and I sort of sighed and thought, why the hell not? He's already here, I've got nothing else to do, we've already hooked up sort of, he's actually pretty attractive in spite of himself, could be really fun.

The lighting in the room was sort of low and warm and flattering but he turned off all the lights so it was totally dark. I don't know the last time I hooked up with someone in total darkness. I beleive it was either because someone's roommate was asleep near by or because we were deep in the woods at night. What guy does that? If the options are like, fluorescent dorm lights or nothing, than yeah, let's turn those fuckers off, but when we have soft, lampshade-filtered light and I'm freshly tanned and waxed and I've shaved my legs and my underwear is cute (incidentaly, not for this shit) why do I have to be cloistered in the dark like it's some big secret? Dude wasn't shy about telling me his intentions in front of a few other people. freaking weirdo.

He was really time-efficient (I guess when you have a baby you have to be?) and then he stayed in my bed a while, talking about how great he is at computer programing and how big of a deal he's going to be when he gets published. You can't see someone roll their eyes in total darkness so I guess it was ultimately a good idea.

It was very fluid and easy and effortless and comfortable (and unremarkable) and I thought as he left that it was good that he was the kind of guy who wouldn't be awkward around me and my friends later. But he has been noticably absent from everything for the past 2 weeks, almost reclusive. It's like he maxed out in the first week. It's not that he doesn't talk to me, he doesn't talk to anyone, doesn't eat with anyone, doesn't drink with anyone.

But anyways. I'm sort of disenchanted with the hooking up, and am almost inclined to just not do anything for the rest of the summer. That might happen whether I decide it or not but at least with this approach I could pretend it was my decision, not my incompetance.

Instead I'll keep having good clean fun, stealing traffic cones and pulling numbers of the buidings at the hotel and staying up all night with a case of beer, getting blazed in the bushes behind summerfield and sitting in the hottub with my aviators on at night and watching Dark Side of the Rainow after Pinot and Percs and drinking Franzia out of a nalgene bottle on the metro. I'm enjoying being 16 again.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Love my life.

Have been spending every evening sitting outside on the patio by the pool with wine or beer with a fantastic crowd of people talking and having a great time till the security guard tells us to go back to our rooms. I could do this for the rest of my life, this is like vacation.